Player and Parent Training Agreement with Institute of ballers.
Step 1: Please read our terms and training agreement entirely to understand iob expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, text Coach Giovanni at 0415486900 to schedule a phone call.
Step 2: Once you have reviewed this document, you simply agree to the terms by entering your full name on the checkout form where it asks “type name to agree to the terms” and click the “I agree to the terms and conditions” box to complete your order.
*If you do not agree with our terms and player/parent expectations - we ask that you do NOT enroll into our program. Our terms are extremely clear and protect the integrity of our program. Our program is selective and certainly NOT for every family. We only want to work with families who truly buy into our culture at institute of ballers.
1. Player Expectations
I agree to be a positive player who is coachable
I agree to bring my journal to EVERY session to document my progress
I agree to work hard in every session, I’m here to develop and reach my goals as a player
I agree to complete each homework tasks that Coaches assigns me in a timely manner
I agree to be accountable to Coaches program and not make excuses
I agree to bring a full water-jug and my own soccer ball (and proper attire) to each session
I agree to work hard and achieve my personal goals that Coaches and I set
I agree to be committed every week and dedicate time to work on my own away from our sessions
I agree to use the online training membership and additional resources and “at-home videos” that Coaches provides for me
I agree that I can communicate with Coaches daily about my progress inside of the members area that I have unlimited access to (Daily Check-In)
I agree to fill out my monthly and quarterly reports (so I can track my progress as a player)
I agree to put in the work needed to become a better player. My results are my responsibility.
I agree to fill out my weekly “game evaluations” so Coaches and I have a deep understanding of my performances throughout the season
I agree to be a positive player when I make mistakes at the sessions
Players must wear Full IOB training kit
Long White Socks.
Drink Bottle
Any medication, E.g Asthma puffer
No jewellery.
2. Parents Expectations/Terms
Once we become a member, all communication is done through our app (that you receive access to once you enroll your child)
We have a very clear no refund policy. All sales are final once you enroll into our program.
If you (as a parent) have questions during the week, you can ask questions inside of to giovanni and will receive a response within 12 hours (Monday-Friday)
If practice is canceled due to weather/COVID/, Coach Giovanni will notify the PLAYERS and PARENTS through the messages. The session will be moved to ZOOM OR Personal Programs will be given to do! We will still train regardless of the weather/covid situation. Practice updates/cancellations are only communicated through the messages.
I agree to bring my child to our scheduled weekly session 15 minutes early to warm up and stretch
I understand that if we are late to the session we will forfeit the time (all sessions last 60 minutes)
I agree with Coach Giovanni Reschedule policy, meaning if you miss that session - we don’t offer a private 1-1 makeup session. If you submit a form the week of our session stating your child can’t make it to our assigned session - we WILL allow you to come train on an alternative day/time that week within our current schedule. If you do not submit the form to giovanni- you will forfeit the session.
I understand that during the sessions, I will not pressure my child or yell from the sidelines. We train in a “non-pressured” environment
I understand that Coach Giovanni will decide the “rain-out’s” or rescheduled sessions due to weather/covid. He will always check field conditions before the sessions and will communicate via the app if there is a cancellation. If the weather forces us to not train outside - we will move our session to ZOOM that evening at 6pm or personalised program will be given. We will always have our training session each week. The zoom session will be used if we aren’t able to meet in person. Your child is responsible for training on zoom on the days where weather becomes an issue.Links will be given for zoom. If they miss the session - the session will be recorded and they can train later that evening once the session is uploaded to the members area. It will be well communicated IF we don’t have an in-person training session. The PLAYER and YOU (the parent will receive a notification via email that day BEFORE the session stating the cancellation)
I understand how to communicate with Coach Giovanni (and set up a 10 minute scheduled call if and when there are conflicts/vacations in advance) so we can better prepare for our sessions.
I understand that if we are “out of town” or “on holidays” that we are still a member of the program. Please communicate with Giovanni when you are going out of town so we can plan accordingly.
Currently our program is offered on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. If you can’t make it to a session that week - we do allow players to come to the following week and train for TWO hours if and only if you (as a parent) complete a form inside of our members area stating you can’t make it that week 48 hours BEFORE the session.
Missed sessions do NOT roll over into the following year/term for any reason.
I understand that Coach Giovanni billing process is an automatic electronic funds transfer (if you choose the split payment option meaning that half of the funds are collected on the first payment and the second half are collected 30 days later)
I understand that if I have a “failed credit/debit card payment” I will need to register with a new credit or debit card within 12 hours of the failed payment. Sessions will pause until the payment is collected.
We offer three options for payment. 1) Pay in full at a Discount or 2) Split Payment (2 payments) or we do offer monthly payments. All sales are final. If you enroll and don’t use the sessions - there are no make-up sessions for missed sessions.
We offer a SIX and TWELVE month plan. If you want to CANCEL your membership, please notify us 60 days BEFORE the end of our agreement. By doing so, we will cancel the account. If not, you are auto-renewed into the next training term automatically. You can notify us in writing at (Giovanni) at least 60 days before our final session and we will turn off the membership. As a coach, here’s where we need to be very clear and send them an email once they register with the deadline of the cancellation day so it’s clear from day 1.
Example (January 1st) 6 month agreement (go into calendar) - SEND EMAIL WITH CANCELATION DEADLINE
I understand that Institute of ballers, Coach Giovanni and any assistant coach for the academy is not liable for any injuries.
Parents are to remain outside the set boundaries of each training session
Parents are required to abide by all policies set out in this manual with regards to discrimination, harassment and bullying toward students, other parents and staff
Parents are not authorised to approach students or coaching staff during training sessions
Parents must refrain from coaching from the sidelines or attempting to distract theirs or any other student during a training session.
Parents who choose to leave during the training sessions must ensure they arrive back to the training area on time to collect their child as we are unable to take responsibility for the student after the session concludes.
Our Terms and Conditions apply to any training program offered by Institute of ballers. By scheduling any session, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions of our company:
3. Social Media Policy
“I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to institute of ballers to post my and/ or my child’s story, photo, videos, hereinafter referred to as “Materials,” taken by coaches during sessions or that I submit to and for the Institute of ballers website, Instagram and Facebook accounts.
I hereby release you, your representative, employees, managers, members, officers, parent companies, subsidiaries, and directors, from all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with any use of said “Materials”, including, without limitation, all claims for invasion of privacy, infringement of my right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or property rights”.
Refund Policy and Cancellation
Term programs and memberships are non refundable once player is registered!. When you book, you're holding a time slot, if you don't cancel outside of 24 hours money will not be refunded and you'll lose the credit. Also if you book a package you have been given, 1 session a week for as many session you booked + 2 weeks extra to use credits, for e.g 6 session = 6 weeks + 2 weeks = 8 weeks, 12 session = 12 weeks + 2 = 14 weeks. If you exceed over this limits credits remaining will be taken away and you wont get your money back.
4. Health and wellness policy
“I have enrolled in the personalised health and fitness program offered through institute of ballers.
I recognise that the program may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle strength and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities.
I hereby affirm that my child is in good physical condition and does not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this exercise program. I acknowledge my enrollment and participation in institute of ballers training.
“I fully understand that my child may injure myself as a result of my enrollment and participation in this program and I hereby Release and Forever Discharge institute of ballers and its agents, employees, representatives, affiliates, successors, or assigns, from any and all liability now or in the future for any conditions, injuries, sickness, losses, expenses or damages that I may obtain or incur. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot, or any other soreness that I may incur, including death.”
If injury occurs and a player is unable to participate in the training sessions, the recurring payments will continue until the last day of the Training Agreement. *If you are going to offer make-up’s you need to customise that here*
We have a zero-tolerance missed session policy. If you miss a session without notice, you will forfeit the session. We respectfully request at least 6 hours advance notice for all rescheduling/cancellations.
Due to the demand for our programs, we do not offer refunds for ANY case for any program, including private training, small group training, camps, clinics or any program that is added to our Training Page.
Once a player reserves a training spot, we hold the spot for the player for the specific program.
5. Policies of conduct
We apply a strict No Tolerance policy with regards to Discrimination, Racism and bullying . Our management have the right to approach situations that involve any form this. If a student, parent or staff are found to be in breach of this policy, please be advised that our management team will be forced to take appropriate action which may include a period of suspension or expulsion from the academy.
Discrimination, Racism , Bullying
May be any selection, exclusion or preference made on the basis of an individual’s sex, race, sexuality, ethnicity, age or religion. Discrimination , Racism or bullying may be overt and direct or subtle and indirect
No Changing Session Nights Once You Have Registered
No player is to change a registration night without a valid reason. This means if a player is registered for a Friday night session & fails to attend for any reason. That player may not join in another night session without being registered to that night.
I understand that if my enrolment for my child/children in a Institute of ballers program program and activity is accepted that I agree to this release, waiver of liability, indemnity and consent as set out herein.
I hereby release and indemnify IOB Soccer Academy and its affiliates (officers, servants and agents, employees, volunteers, contractors, sponsors, participants, parents, venues and stakeholders) from all claims, costs, proceedings, liabilities and expenses arising from or in any way connected with my child's participation in IOB Soccer Academy programs and activities.
My child will participate at my own risk, and I accept all risks associated with the activity including injury, permanent incapacitation, death, loss and damage. Participation in IOB classes and events does not include Personal Injury Insurance.
My child will wear suitable and appropriate clothing, footwear and equipment.
I accept that my child's personal property may be lost or damaged and that my child may cause injury to other persons or damage their property.
I understand that participation is of a physical nature. I declare as a condition of participation, that my child has sufficient personal fitness to be able to safely participate and that I am not aware of any illness, injury, disability or condition which may preclude my child from participating and/or cause my child injury, death or loss while participating in IOB Soccer Academy programs and activities.
I understand that I must disclose any pre-existing medical or other condition that may affect the risk that either my child or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage and waiver any claim they might have on.
I consent to first aid being administered by a IOB Soccer Academy staff member who is the holder of a current first aid certificate.
I agree that if my child is injured or ill that IOB Soccer Academy and its affiliates may at my cost and expense arrange medical treatment and emergency transportation to hospital or a doctor as deemed necessary, by IOB Soccer Academy and its affiliates. I agree that I am responsible for my child's medical and ambulance costs and insurance.
My child will not engage in any conduct, on or off the field, which places other participants at risk of injury or death and/or which is in the opinion of IOB Soccer Academy and its affiliates, considered to be unreasonable or unsportsmanlike behaviour. The determination of whether my child's conduct places or placed other persons at risk of injury or death and/or which is or was unreasonable or unsportsmanlike behaviour is solely at the discretion Goal Soccer Academy and its affiliates and I agree to be bound by that determination.
I give permission for my child to be collected from IOB Soccer Academy by my nominated contacts. I will advise IOB Soccer Academy immediately if any other person is authorised to collect my child. My child will not be released into the care of a minor (less than 18 years).
I agree for my child's personal details to be entered into a database held by IOB Soccer Academy which will be used for the administration of programs and activities, and may also be used for future marketing and promotion of Goal Soccer Academy programs and activities.
I give consent for IOB Soccer Academy staff members to take photographs or videos of the classes and events where my child might attend, for marketing and/or publicity use. Photographs/videos taken by parents/guardians may only be used for personal use.
A parent and/or guardian of a child must be present at all times throughout a program or activity when the child has not started Kindergarten. Children can attend a School Holiday Camp without parent/guardian supervision only if they have turned 4 years and 6 months.
No food and/or drinks are to be taken onto the playing area. Participants must have a bottle of water available at all times that can be refilled as needed.
I agree to supervise non-participating children at all times.
I will encourage my child and applaud good play and performances and will not participate in any form of violet, threatening, abusive or discriminatory behaviour.
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor venues even if the venue terms of admission permit smoking,
I will adhere to the venue terms of admission at all times.
Staff cannot accept children who are sick for the safety of all children attending the program. Parents/guardians are asked to make other arrangements for their children in these circumstances.
I have read and understood the terms set out above and I have asked IOB Soccer Academy for clarification on any area/s of concern. I freely and voluntarily without any inducement declare my online acceptance (as if I was signing the form) to be complete and an unconditional release of all indemnity.